
This is an auction contract between a seller S, and two bidders, A and B. S is selling an item with a “buy me now” price of 2 BTC, and the bidders can bid 1 or 2 BTC.

At the beginning of the contract, each bidder has the possibility to start the auction, bidding 1 BTC. If no one bids before the deadline of block 155000000, the auction is voided and the deposits are sent back to the owners. Otherwise, if A or B bid, the auction is now running and the contract progresses as defined in (RunningAuction1 hB lB).

From now on, the participant who bid is referred as hB (highest bidder), the other one as lB (lowest bidder). Now, if lB forfeits, so hB wins the auction and has to pay 1 BTC to S. Otherwise, A or B can raise the bid to 2 BTC. The first one to do so wins, and has to pay 2 BTC to S. If no action is done before the deadline of block 155100000, hB wins.

We verify the strategy-less liquidity of this contract, which holds.

#lang bitml


(participant "A" "029c5f6f5ef0095f547799cb7861488b9f4282140d59a6289fbc90c70209c1cced")
(participant "B" "022c3afb0b654d3c2b0e2ffdcf941eaf9b6c2f6fcf14672f86f7647fa7b817af30")
(participant "S" "022c3afb0b654d3c2b0e2ffdcf941eaf9b6c2f6fcf14672f86f7647fa7b817af30") ; seller

; auction with 2 rounds
; possible bets 1, 2
; 2 is the "buy me now" price

; hB = highest bidder, lB = lowest bidder
(define (RunningAuction1 hB lB)
  (tau (choice
        (auth "A" (ref (WonAuction2 "A" "B")))        ; A wins!
        (auth "B" (ref (WonAuction2 "B" "A")))        ; B wins!
        (auth lB (ref (WonAuction1 hB lB)))           ; lB forfeits
        (after 155100000 (ref (WonAuction1 hB lB)))          ; hB wins - timeout

(define (WonAuction1 hB lB)
  (tau (split (1 -> (withdraw "S")) (1 -> (withdraw hB)) (2 -> (withdraw lB)))))

(define (WonAuction2 hB lB)
  (tau (split (2 -> (withdraw "S")) (2 -> (withdraw lB)))))

(contract (pre
           (deposit "A" 2 "txA@0")
           (deposit "B" 2 "txB@0"))

           (auth "A" (ref (RunningAuction1 "A" "B")))  ; A bids first
           (auth "B" (ref (RunningAuction1 "B" "A")))  ; B bids first
           (after 155000000 (split (2 -> (withdraw "A")) (2 -> (withdraw "B"))))


These are the compiled transactions.

Model checking result for (check-liquid)

WARNING: Using default secrets

Result: true
Model checking time: 4965.0 ms

const pubkeyS6 = pubkey:022c3afb0b654d3c2b0e2ffdcf941eaf9b6c2f6fcf14672f86f7647fa7b817af30
const pubkeyB37 = pubkey:022c3afb0b654d3c2b0e2ffdcf941eaf9b6c2f6fcf14672f86f7647fa7b817af30
const pubkeyB28 = pubkey:022c3afb0b654d3c2b0e2ffdcf941eaf9b6c2f6fcf14672f86f7647fa7b817af30
const pubkeyA44 = pubkey:029c5f6f5ef0095f547799cb7861488b9f4282140d59a6289fbc90c70209c1cced
const pubkeyS21 = pubkey:022c3afb0b654d3c2b0e2ffdcf941eaf9b6c2f6fcf14672f86f7647fa7b817af30
const pubkeyS9 = pubkey:022c3afb0b654d3c2b0e2ffdcf941eaf9b6c2f6fcf14672f86f7647fa7b817af30
const pubkeyB34 = pubkey:022c3afb0b654d3c2b0e2ffdcf941eaf9b6c2f6fcf14672f86f7647fa7b817af30
const pubkeyA29 = pubkey:029c5f6f5ef0095f547799cb7861488b9f4282140d59a6289fbc90c70209c1cced
const pubkeyA47 = pubkey:029c5f6f5ef0095f547799cb7861488b9f4282140d59a6289fbc90c70209c1cced
const pubkeyS33 = pubkey:022c3afb0b654d3c2b0e2ffdcf941eaf9b6c2f6fcf14672f86f7647fa7b817af30
const pubkeyB31 = pubkey:022c3afb0b654d3c2b0e2ffdcf941eaf9b6c2f6fcf14672f86f7647fa7b817af30
const pubkeyB7 = pubkey:022c3afb0b654d3c2b0e2ffdcf941eaf9b6c2f6fcf14672f86f7647fa7b817af30
const pubkeyS18 = pubkey:022c3afb0b654d3c2b0e2ffdcf941eaf9b6c2f6fcf14672f86f7647fa7b817af30
const pubkeyS12 = pubkey:022c3afb0b654d3c2b0e2ffdcf941eaf9b6c2f6fcf14672f86f7647fa7b817af30
const pubkeyS3 = pubkey:022c3afb0b654d3c2b0e2ffdcf941eaf9b6c2f6fcf14672f86f7647fa7b817af30
const pubkeyA35 = pubkey:029c5f6f5ef0095f547799cb7861488b9f4282140d59a6289fbc90c70209c1cced
const pubkeyS24 = pubkey:022c3afb0b654d3c2b0e2ffdcf941eaf9b6c2f6fcf14672f86f7647fa7b817af30
const pubkeyB10 = pubkey:022c3afb0b654d3c2b0e2ffdcf941eaf9b6c2f6fcf14672f86f7647fa7b817af30
const pubkeyS48 = pubkey:022c3afb0b654d3c2b0e2ffdcf941eaf9b6c2f6fcf14672f86f7647fa7b817af30
const pubkeyA26 = pubkey:029c5f6f5ef0095f547799cb7861488b9f4282140d59a6289fbc90c70209c1cced
const pubkeyS39 = pubkey:022c3afb0b654d3c2b0e2ffdcf941eaf9b6c2f6fcf14672f86f7647fa7b817af30
const pubkeyB13 = pubkey:022c3afb0b654d3c2b0e2ffdcf941eaf9b6c2f6fcf14672f86f7647fa7b817af30
const pubkeyB46 = pubkey:022c3afb0b654d3c2b0e2ffdcf941eaf9b6c2f6fcf14672f86f7647fa7b817af30
const pubkeyA20 = pubkey:029c5f6f5ef0095f547799cb7861488b9f4282140d59a6289fbc90c70209c1cced
const pubkeyS27 = pubkey:022c3afb0b654d3c2b0e2ffdcf941eaf9b6c2f6fcf14672f86f7647fa7b817af30
const pubkeyA38 = pubkey:029c5f6f5ef0095f547799cb7861488b9f4282140d59a6289fbc90c70209c1cced
const pubkeyA41 = pubkey:029c5f6f5ef0095f547799cb7861488b9f4282140d59a6289fbc90c70209c1cced
const pubkeyA8 = pubkey:029c5f6f5ef0095f547799cb7861488b9f4282140d59a6289fbc90c70209c1cced
const pubkeyS45 = pubkey:022c3afb0b654d3c2b0e2ffdcf941eaf9b6c2f6fcf14672f86f7647fa7b817af30
const pubkeyB22 = pubkey:022c3afb0b654d3c2b0e2ffdcf941eaf9b6c2f6fcf14672f86f7647fa7b817af30
const pubkeyB40 = pubkey:022c3afb0b654d3c2b0e2ffdcf941eaf9b6c2f6fcf14672f86f7647fa7b817af30
const pubkeyB16 = pubkey:022c3afb0b654d3c2b0e2ffdcf941eaf9b6c2f6fcf14672f86f7647fa7b817af30
const pubkeyA23 = pubkey:029c5f6f5ef0095f547799cb7861488b9f4282140d59a6289fbc90c70209c1cced
const pubkeyB4 = pubkey:022c3afb0b654d3c2b0e2ffdcf941eaf9b6c2f6fcf14672f86f7647fa7b817af30
const pubkeyA17 = pubkey:029c5f6f5ef0095f547799cb7861488b9f4282140d59a6289fbc90c70209c1cced
const pubkeyB43 = pubkey:022c3afb0b654d3c2b0e2ffdcf941eaf9b6c2f6fcf14672f86f7647fa7b817af30
const pubkeyB1 = pubkey:022c3afb0b654d3c2b0e2ffdcf941eaf9b6c2f6fcf14672f86f7647fa7b817af30
const pubkeyS36 = pubkey:022c3afb0b654d3c2b0e2ffdcf941eaf9b6c2f6fcf14672f86f7647fa7b817af30
const pubkeyB19 = pubkey:022c3afb0b654d3c2b0e2ffdcf941eaf9b6c2f6fcf14672f86f7647fa7b817af30
const pubkeyA2 = pubkey:029c5f6f5ef0095f547799cb7861488b9f4282140d59a6289fbc90c70209c1cced
const pubkeyS30 = pubkey:022c3afb0b654d3c2b0e2ffdcf941eaf9b6c2f6fcf14672f86f7647fa7b817af30
const pubkeyA5 = pubkey:029c5f6f5ef0095f547799cb7861488b9f4282140d59a6289fbc90c70209c1cced
const pubkeyS15 = pubkey:022c3afb0b654d3c2b0e2ffdcf941eaf9b6c2f6fcf14672f86f7647fa7b817af30
const pubkeyA32 = pubkey:029c5f6f5ef0095f547799cb7861488b9f4282140d59a6289fbc90c70209c1cced
const pubkeyA14 = pubkey:029c5f6f5ef0095f547799cb7861488b9f4282140d59a6289fbc90c70209c1cced
const pubkeyB25 = pubkey:022c3afb0b654d3c2b0e2ffdcf941eaf9b6c2f6fcf14672f86f7647fa7b817af30
const pubkeyS42 = pubkey:022c3afb0b654d3c2b0e2ffdcf941eaf9b6c2f6fcf14672f86f7647fa7b817af30
const pubkeyA11 = pubkey:029c5f6f5ef0095f547799cb7861488b9f4282140d59a6289fbc90c70209c1cced

const pubkeyB = pubkey:022c3afb0b654d3c2b0e2ffdcf941eaf9b6c2f6fcf14672f86f7647fa7b817af30
const pubkeyA = pubkey:029c5f6f5ef0095f547799cb7861488b9f4282140d59a6289fbc90c70209c1cced
const pubkeyS = pubkey:022c3afb0b654d3c2b0e2ffdcf941eaf9b6c2f6fcf14672f86f7647fa7b817af30

const sigB0 : signature = _ //add signature for output txB@0
const sigA1 : signature = _ //add signature for output txA@0

transaction Tinit {
 input = [ txB@0:sigB0; txA@0:sigA1;  ]
 output = 4 BTC : fun(sB, sA, sS) . (( versig(pubkeyB1, pubkeyA2, pubkeyS3; sB, sA, sS) ||
 versig(pubkeyB4, pubkeyA5, pubkeyS6; sB, sA, sS) ||
 versig(pubkeyB7, pubkeyA8, pubkeyS9; sB, sA, sS) ))

const sigBT1 : signature = _
const sigAT1 : signature = _
const sigST1 : signature = _

transaction T1 {
 input = [ Tinit@0: sigBT1 sigAT1 sigST1 ]
 output = 4 BTC : fun(sB, sA, sS) . versig(pubkeyB10, pubkeyA11, pubkeyS12; sB, sA, sS) || versig(pubkeyB13, pubkeyA14, pubkeyS15; sB, sA, sS) || versig(pubkeyB16, pubkeyA17, pubkeyS18; sB, sA, sS) || versig(pubkeyB19, pubkeyA20, pubkeyS21; sB, sA, sS)

const sigBT2 : signature = _
const sigAT2 : signature = _
const sigST2 : signature = _

transaction T2 {
 input = [ T1@0: sigBT2 sigAT2 sigST2 ]
 output = 4 BTC : fun(sB, sA, sS) . versig(pubkeyB22, pubkeyA23, pubkeyS24; sB, sA, sS)

const sigBT3 : signature = _
const sigAT3 : signature = _
const sigST3 : signature = _

transaction T3 {
 input = [ T2@0: sigBT3 sigAT3 sigST3 ]
 output = [ 2 BTC : fun(sB, sA, sS) . ((versig(pubkeyB25, pubkeyA26, pubkeyS27; sB, sA, sS)));
        2 BTC : fun(sB, sA, sS) . ((versig(pubkeyB28, pubkeyA29, pubkeyS30; sB, sA, sS))) ]

const sigBT4 : signature = _
const sigAT4 : signature = _
const sigST4 : signature = _

transaction T4 {
 input = [ T3@0:  sigBT4 sigAT4 sigST4 ]
 output = 2 BTC : fun(x) . versig(pubkeyS; x)


const sigBT5 : signature = _
const sigAT5 : signature = _
const sigST5 : signature = _

transaction T5 {
 input = [ T3@1:  sigBT5 sigAT5 sigST5 ]
 output = 2 BTC : fun(x) . versig(pubkeyB; x)


const sigBT6 : signature = _
const sigAT6 : signature = _
const sigST6 : signature = _

transaction T6 {
 input = [ T1@0: sigBT6 sigAT6 sigST6 ]
 output = 4 BTC : fun(sB, sA, sS) . versig(pubkeyB31, pubkeyA32, pubkeyS33; sB, sA, sS)

const sigBT7 : signature = _
const sigAT7 : signature = _
const sigST7 : signature = _

transaction T7 {
 input = [ T6@0: sigBT7 sigAT7 sigST7 ]
 output = [ 2 BTC : fun(sB, sA, sS) . ((versig(pubkeyB25, pubkeyA26, pubkeyS27; sB, sA, sS)));
        2 BTC : fun(sB, sA, sS) . ((versig(pubkeyB34, pubkeyA35, pubkeyS36; sB, sA, sS))) ]

const sigBT8 : signature = _
const sigAT8 : signature = _
const sigST8 : signature = _

transaction T8 {
 input = [ T7@0:  sigBT8 sigAT8 sigST8 ]
 output = 2 BTC : fun(x) . versig(pubkeyS; x)


const sigBT9 : signature = _
const sigAT9 : signature = _
const sigST9 : signature = _

transaction T9 {
 input = [ T7@1:  sigBT9 sigAT9 sigST9 ]
 output = 2 BTC : fun(x) . versig(pubkeyA; x)


const sigBT10 : signature = _
const sigAT10 : signature = _
const sigST10 : signature = _

transaction T10 {
 input = [ T1@0: sigBT10 sigAT10 sigST10 ]
 output = 4 BTC : fun(sB, sA, sS) . versig(pubkeyB37, pubkeyA38, pubkeyS39; sB, sA, sS)

const sigBT11 : signature = _
const sigAT11 : signature = _
const sigST11 : signature = _

transaction T11 {
 input = [ T10@0: sigBT11 sigAT11 sigST11 ]
 output = [ 1 BTC : fun(sB, sA, sS) . ((versig(pubkeyB25, pubkeyA26, pubkeyS27; sB, sA, sS)));
        1 BTC : fun(sB, sA, sS) . ((versig(pubkeyB34, pubkeyA35, pubkeyS36; sB, sA, sS)));
        2 BTC : fun(sB, sA, sS) . ((versig(pubkeyB28, pubkeyA29, pubkeyS30; sB, sA, sS))) ]

const sigBT12 : signature = _
const sigAT12 : signature = _
const sigST12 : signature = _

transaction T12 {
 input = [ T11@0:  sigBT12 sigAT12 sigST12 ]
 output = 1 BTC : fun(x) . versig(pubkeyS; x)


const sigBT13 : signature = _
const sigAT13 : signature = _
const sigST13 : signature = _

transaction T13 {
 input = [ T11@1:  sigBT13 sigAT13 sigST13 ]
 output = 1 BTC : fun(x) . versig(pubkeyA; x)


const sigBT14 : signature = _
const sigAT14 : signature = _
const sigST14 : signature = _

transaction T14 {
 input = [ T11@2:  sigBT14 sigAT14 sigST14 ]
 output = 2 BTC : fun(x) . versig(pubkeyB; x)


const sigBT15 : signature = _
const sigAT15 : signature = _
const sigST15 : signature = _

transaction T15 {
 input = [ T1@0: sigBT15 sigAT15 sigST15 ]
 output = 4 BTC : fun(sB, sA, sS) . versig(pubkeyB37, pubkeyA38, pubkeyS39; sB, sA, sS)

const sigBT16 : signature = _
const sigAT16 : signature = _
const sigST16 : signature = _

transaction T16 {
 input = [ T15@0: sigBT16 sigAT16 sigST16 ]
 output = [ 1 BTC : fun(sB, sA, sS) . ((versig(pubkeyB25, pubkeyA26, pubkeyS27; sB, sA, sS)));
        1 BTC : fun(sB, sA, sS) . ((versig(pubkeyB34, pubkeyA35, pubkeyS36; sB, sA, sS)));
        2 BTC : fun(sB, sA, sS) . ((versig(pubkeyB28, pubkeyA29, pubkeyS30; sB, sA, sS))) ]

const sigBT17 : signature = _
const sigAT17 : signature = _
const sigST17 : signature = _

transaction T17 {
 input = [ T16@0:  sigBT17 sigAT17 sigST17 ]
 output = 1 BTC : fun(x) . versig(pubkeyS; x)


const sigBT18 : signature = _
const sigAT18 : signature = _
const sigST18 : signature = _

transaction T18 {
 input = [ T16@1:  sigBT18 sigAT18 sigST18 ]
 output = 1 BTC : fun(x) . versig(pubkeyA; x)


const sigBT19 : signature = _
const sigAT19 : signature = _
const sigST19 : signature = _

transaction T19 {
 input = [ T16@2:  sigBT19 sigAT19 sigST19 ]
 output = 2 BTC : fun(x) . versig(pubkeyB; x)


const sigBT20 : signature = _
const sigAT20 : signature = _
const sigST20 : signature = _

transaction T20 {
 input = [ Tinit@0: sigBT20 sigAT20 sigST20 ]
 output = 4 BTC : fun(sB, sA, sS) . versig(pubkeyB10, pubkeyA11, pubkeyS12; sB, sA, sS) || versig(pubkeyB13, pubkeyA14, pubkeyS15; sB, sA, sS) || versig(pubkeyB40, pubkeyA41, pubkeyS42; sB, sA, sS) || versig(pubkeyB43, pubkeyA44, pubkeyS45; sB, sA, sS)

const sigBT21 : signature = _
const sigAT21 : signature = _
const sigST21 : signature = _

transaction T21 {
 input = [ T20@0: sigBT21 sigAT21 sigST21 ]
 output = 4 BTC : fun(sB, sA, sS) . versig(pubkeyB22, pubkeyA23, pubkeyS24; sB, sA, sS)

const sigBT22 : signature = _
const sigAT22 : signature = _
const sigST22 : signature = _

transaction T22 {
 input = [ T21@0: sigBT22 sigAT22 sigST22 ]
 output = [ 2 BTC : fun(sB, sA, sS) . ((versig(pubkeyB25, pubkeyA26, pubkeyS27; sB, sA, sS)));
        2 BTC : fun(sB, sA, sS) . ((versig(pubkeyB28, pubkeyA29, pubkeyS30; sB, sA, sS))) ]

const sigBT23 : signature = _
const sigAT23 : signature = _
const sigST23 : signature = _

transaction T23 {
 input = [ T22@0:  sigBT23 sigAT23 sigST23 ]
 output = 2 BTC : fun(x) . versig(pubkeyS; x)


const sigBT24 : signature = _
const sigAT24 : signature = _
const sigST24 : signature = _

transaction T24 {
 input = [ T22@1:  sigBT24 sigAT24 sigST24 ]
 output = 2 BTC : fun(x) . versig(pubkeyB; x)


const sigBT25 : signature = _
const sigAT25 : signature = _
const sigST25 : signature = _

transaction T25 {
 input = [ T20@0: sigBT25 sigAT25 sigST25 ]
 output = 4 BTC : fun(sB, sA, sS) . versig(pubkeyB31, pubkeyA32, pubkeyS33; sB, sA, sS)

const sigBT26 : signature = _
const sigAT26 : signature = _
const sigST26 : signature = _

transaction T26 {
 input = [ T25@0: sigBT26 sigAT26 sigST26 ]
 output = [ 2 BTC : fun(sB, sA, sS) . ((versig(pubkeyB25, pubkeyA26, pubkeyS27; sB, sA, sS)));
        2 BTC : fun(sB, sA, sS) . ((versig(pubkeyB34, pubkeyA35, pubkeyS36; sB, sA, sS))) ]

const sigBT27 : signature = _
const sigAT27 : signature = _
const sigST27 : signature = _

transaction T27 {
 input = [ T26@0:  sigBT27 sigAT27 sigST27 ]
 output = 2 BTC : fun(x) . versig(pubkeyS; x)


const sigBT28 : signature = _
const sigAT28 : signature = _
const sigST28 : signature = _

transaction T28 {
 input = [ T26@1:  sigBT28 sigAT28 sigST28 ]
 output = 2 BTC : fun(x) . versig(pubkeyA; x)


const sigBT29 : signature = _
const sigAT29 : signature = _
const sigST29 : signature = _

transaction T29 {
 input = [ T20@0: sigBT29 sigAT29 sigST29 ]
 output = 4 BTC : fun(sB, sA, sS) . versig(pubkeyB46, pubkeyA47, pubkeyS48; sB, sA, sS)

const sigBT30 : signature = _
const sigAT30 : signature = _
const sigST30 : signature = _

transaction T30 {
 input = [ T29@0: sigBT30 sigAT30 sigST30 ]
 output = [ 1 BTC : fun(sB, sA, sS) . ((versig(pubkeyB25, pubkeyA26, pubkeyS27; sB, sA, sS)));
        1 BTC : fun(sB, sA, sS) . ((versig(pubkeyB28, pubkeyA29, pubkeyS30; sB, sA, sS)));
        2 BTC : fun(sB, sA, sS) . ((versig(pubkeyB34, pubkeyA35, pubkeyS36; sB, sA, sS))) ]

const sigBT31 : signature = _
const sigAT31 : signature = _
const sigST31 : signature = _

transaction T31 {
 input = [ T30@0:  sigBT31 sigAT31 sigST31 ]
 output = 1 BTC : fun(x) . versig(pubkeyS; x)


const sigBT32 : signature = _
const sigAT32 : signature = _
const sigST32 : signature = _

transaction T32 {
 input = [ T30@1:  sigBT32 sigAT32 sigST32 ]
 output = 1 BTC : fun(x) . versig(pubkeyB; x)


const sigBT33 : signature = _
const sigAT33 : signature = _
const sigST33 : signature = _

transaction T33 {
 input = [ T30@2:  sigBT33 sigAT33 sigST33 ]
 output = 2 BTC : fun(x) . versig(pubkeyA; x)


const sigBT34 : signature = _
const sigAT34 : signature = _
const sigST34 : signature = _

transaction T34 {
 input = [ T20@0: sigBT34 sigAT34 sigST34 ]
 output = 4 BTC : fun(sB, sA, sS) . versig(pubkeyB46, pubkeyA47, pubkeyS48; sB, sA, sS)

const sigBT35 : signature = _
const sigAT35 : signature = _
const sigST35 : signature = _

transaction T35 {
 input = [ T34@0: sigBT35 sigAT35 sigST35 ]
 output = [ 1 BTC : fun(sB, sA, sS) . ((versig(pubkeyB25, pubkeyA26, pubkeyS27; sB, sA, sS)));
        1 BTC : fun(sB, sA, sS) . ((versig(pubkeyB28, pubkeyA29, pubkeyS30; sB, sA, sS)));
        2 BTC : fun(sB, sA, sS) . ((versig(pubkeyB34, pubkeyA35, pubkeyS36; sB, sA, sS))) ]

const sigBT36 : signature = _
const sigAT36 : signature = _
const sigST36 : signature = _

transaction T36 {
 input = [ T35@0:  sigBT36 sigAT36 sigST36 ]
 output = 1 BTC : fun(x) . versig(pubkeyS; x)


const sigBT37 : signature = _
const sigAT37 : signature = _
const sigST37 : signature = _

transaction T37 {
 input = [ T35@1:  sigBT37 sigAT37 sigST37 ]
 output = 1 BTC : fun(x) . versig(pubkeyB; x)


const sigBT38 : signature = _
const sigAT38 : signature = _
const sigST38 : signature = _

transaction T38 {
 input = [ T35@2:  sigBT38 sigAT38 sigST38 ]
 output = 2 BTC : fun(x) . versig(pubkeyA; x)


const sigBT39 : signature = _
const sigAT39 : signature = _
const sigST39 : signature = _

transaction T39 {
 input = [ Tinit@0: sigBT39 sigAT39 sigST39 ]
 output = [ 2 BTC : fun(sB, sA, sS) . ((versig(pubkeyB34, pubkeyA35, pubkeyS36; sB, sA, sS)));
        2 BTC : fun(sB, sA, sS) . ((versig(pubkeyB28, pubkeyA29, pubkeyS30; sB, sA, sS))) ]
 absLock = block 10

const sigBT40 : signature = _
const sigAT40 : signature = _
const sigST40 : signature = _

transaction T40 {
 input = [ T39@0:  sigBT40 sigAT40 sigST40 ]
 output = 2 BTC : fun(x) . versig(pubkeyA; x)


const sigBT41 : signature = _
const sigAT41 : signature = _
const sigST41 : signature = _

transaction T41 {
 input = [ T39@1:  sigBT41 sigAT41 sigST41 ]
 output = 2 BTC : fun(x) . versig(pubkeyB; x)
